Madagascar and agritech association partner to digitalize the agriculture sector

By : Samira Njoya

Date : jeudi, 25 mai 2023 11:12

Over the past two years, several strategic sectors of the Malagasy economy have adopted tech tools to transform operating models. Even in the agricultural sector, authorities who are aware of the need to transform the sector for more efficiency are gradually encouraging the adoption of those tools. 

Last Saturday, two Malagasy Ministries signed a partnership agreement with the local association Agritech Madagascar to accelerate the use of ICT tools in the agriculture sector. The two Ministries concerned were the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (MINAE)  Digital Development, Digital Transformation, Posts and Telecommunications (MNDPT)

That agreement aims to pool resources, skills, and experiences to accelerate the modernization of the rural world and facilitate farmers’ access to information and means to develop their activities.

"Actors in the agricultural sector are unanimous on the need to digitalize agricultural services. Digitization is also an important element for the transformation and improvement of agriculture in Madagascar," said Minister of Agriculture Harifidy Janset Ramilison.

The Malagasy government pays special attention to agriculture in the country. In recent years, it has taken several actions to boost efficiency in the sector. According to the World Bank, the agricultural sector remains the "backbone" of the Malagasy economy, accounting for 70% of total employment and 29% of GDP.

The new partnership was signed on the sidelines of the Conference on Digital Transformation in Africa (ATDA). It will back the projects underway in the country, including the distribution of digital cards to farmers, the implementation of a system of traceability and identification by electronically readable forgery-proof loops, and the development of the national strategy for the digitalization of agricultural services.

Samira Njoya


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