Public Management

Public Management (358)

The 21-year-old entrepreneur seeks to make a positive impact on her community by solving problems she relates to, through tech. She has great ambitions for the future.

Hawanatu Sesay (picture) is an aspiring entrepreneur and programmer from Sierra Leone. She is the founder of the Sierra Learning Complaint website. The tool enables students to anonymously voice their educational concerns. Through this website, she ensures students’ complaints reach the relevant authorities.

Passionate about positive change, Hawanatu created Sierra Learning Complaint after a computer programming training at Orange Fablab (in 2022). “Orange has provided knowledge and career development programs. They have helped me to identify my hidden potential,” Hawanatu says. This experience has given her the ability to act more effectively by using the current tools that young people like her love.

Apart from her work with the complaint site, Hawanatu who has also developed an interest in other technologies is actively working on an Internet of Things (IoT) project. The project aims to revolutionize agriculture by monitoring soil conditions, providing valuable insights to farmers, and helping troubleshoot any growth issues affecting their crops. Through the project, she aims to contribute to food security and sustainable farming in her community.

Before her entrepreneurial pursuits, Hawanatu engaged in volunteer work with a patriotic advocacy organization (2018-2021) during her school years. More recently (2021), she joined "Digital Islam," an organization providing charity to the less fortunate, and she is still an active volunteer.

Hawanatu Sesay exemplifies a young visionary determined to make a positive impact in her community. With her innovative mindset and commitment to using technology for social good, she is poised to become a significant figure in the tech and social entrepreneurship spheres. As she awaits college admission, she continues to pursue her passions and create positive change through her work.

Hikmatu Bilali

Posted On vendredi, 25 août 2023 09:20 Written by

In a context of cross-border criminality encompassing terrorism and more, the Nigerian authorities wish to better control entry and exit from the country. ICT emerges as a potential solution to this concern.

Minister of Interior Hon. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo (picture), on August 22, introduced a plan to deploy advanced technology for securing Nigeria's borders.

The plan, revealed during a news conference, aims to leverage technology to fortify land, air, and sea borders, helping address escalating threats. "We must protect all borders - land, air, sea," said Hon. Tunji-Ojo, stressing technology's role as a complement to current security efforts.

The initiative aligns with President Bola Tinubu's reform call, aiming to instill hope via the Interior Ministry's efforts.

To complement this move, the ministry would also focus on optimizing the visa and passport system, minimizing delays, and enhancing transparency. The minister also pledged respectful treatment at passport offices, with foreign entry based on merit.

The move underscores the government's commitment to a safer, more secure Nigeria through technology and strategic reforms.

Hikmatu Bilali

Posted On jeudi, 24 août 2023 18:22 Written by

In Africa, thousands of ghost civil servants still benefit from governments’ outdated management systems. To tackle the issue, some countries on the continent have turned to new technologies.

Guinea launched last week, August 16, a biometric enrolment campaign targeting officials and contract civil servants.

The campaign was launched by the Minister of Labor and Public Works, Julien Yombouno. Set to last 44 days, it started from the Ministry of Labor and will extend to other ministries over the period. Over 87,000 civil servants are expected to be enrolled.

“The main goal is to determine the real headcount of the civil service. With the accurate figures, we will be able to calculate exactly how much the State pays its civil servants every month. The end goal, however, is to establish a single administrative and accounting registry,” Yombouno explained. 

According to the Minister, the single biometric registry will regroup the data of all Guinean civil servants and contract employees, thus guaranteeing "a single agent, a single registration number, and a single salary".

The government picked Digitalis, a local startup, to carry out the project. The company develops biometric applications and software.

Enrolled civil servants will get a receipt after registering. They will later exchange the receipt for their professional card.

Like Guinea, several African countries have recently turned to technology to flush out ghost workers and put an end to the payment of undue wages. The aim is to clean up the civil service and remove the ghost workers who cost African countries tens of billions of CFA francs every year.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 24 août 2023 13:41 Written by

Digital technologies are quite useful, and many of their advantages emerged during the Covid-19 crisis. Seduced by them, many African governments decided to make the digital sector a pillar of their development strategy.

The Ugandan Ministry of ICT and National Orientation launched a new plan for digital transformation on August 17. The plan revolves around seven (7) key axes: digital infrastructure and connectivity; digital services; cybersecurity, data protection and privacy; digital skills; innovation and entrepreneurship; systematic experimentation and preservation of the national environment.

"The Digital Transformation Plan represents a bold vision of our nation's future, one that is not driven by technology alone, but in which technology serves as a catalyst for sustainable development, economic growth and improved living conditions for all Ugandans," said the ICT Minister, Chris Baryomunsi.

The five-year strategy (2023-2027) was drawn with the help of several partners, including the UN Development Program (UNDP). It is set to foster an administrative, economic, and social environment that will benefit both Ugandans and foreign investors.

According to a government survey on ICT conducted nationwide, only 5% of government ministries, departments, and agencies had internal IT interoperability frameworks in 2022. Furthermore, only 61% of local governments had access to the Internet, while only 5.6% of their staff regularly used a computer for business purposes.

Around one in two businesses (55%) had Internet access in the year reviewed, and only one in three had a professional website; 94% of the population still had no Internet access at home. 74% of the population had a cell phone, 49% of the population had a Mobile Money account, versus 10% with a personal bank account. The broadband Internet penetration rate was 55%. Currently, the contribution of ICT to gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated at 9%.

Uganda’s new Digital Transformation Plan falls under its 2040 Digital Uganda Vision launched in 2013. 

Muriel Edjo

Posted On mercredi, 23 août 2023 17:16 Written by

As a new legal battle looms for the leader of the Patriotic Senegalese for Work, Ethics and Fraternity Party (Pastef), the government, fearing an outbreak like last June, has once again taken several security measures. These aim to limit the public mobilization in support of the politician.

The Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy has decided to again suspend mobile internet in the country. The Ministry explained that the measure is "due to the spreading of hateful and subversive messages relayed on social media in a context of disturbance to public order." It added that the suspension is "temporary during certain time slots." The suspension started on July 31, 2023.

Back on July 28, Ousmane Sonko, the head of the Pastef party, was arrested at his home in the evening on charges of "violent theft."

According to the Prosecutor of the Republic, the opposition politician "violently stole the mobile phone of a female gendarme whose vehicle had broken down near his home and immediately called on the people, through a subversive message disseminated on social networks, to stand ready."

Sonko, however, claimed he snatched the phone of one of the general intelligence officers who was posted outside his home since his trial in May 2023. According to him, the officer was filming him. The politician said he took the phone after asking the officer to unlock it and delete the pictures. 

In Dakar, where Ousmane Sonko began a hunger strike on Sunday, July 30, violent protests have again erupted in some districts of the capital. The government fears these demonstrations will be more violent than those of June, which followed the Pastef leader's conviction on June 1 for "corruption of youth."

At a press briefing on July 29, the Prosecutor of the Republic at the high court of Dakar, Abdou Karim Diop, revealed that Ousmane Sonko's arrest for theft only triggered action that was already imminent. He asserted that the opposition politician will be prosecuted on six other charges: calling for insurrection; undermining state security; criminal association; conspiracy against state authority; acts and maneuvers to compromise public security and create serious political disturbances, and criminal association linked to a terrorist enterprise.

Muriel Edjo

Posted On mardi, 01 août 2023 20:55 Written by

On its path to digital sovereignty, Senegal’s government wants to address the country's priorities relative to sustainable development, innovation, and value creation.

Senegal will soon have a National Data Strategy. Earlier this week, Moussa Bocar Thiam, the minister of telecom and digital economy, unveiled progress made in the strategy’s development, ahead of its implementation. 

"We all know that data is essential in today's digital economy. It is important that Senegal, as one of the pioneering countries in this field, establishes a strategy for data governance and data valorization, to see how this data can be processed in the country, and how its use should be regulated," said Thiam. 

Back on March 23rd, 2023, the same official kicked off works to draw the National Data Strategy. The project is supported by Germany, the European Union (EU), and Smart Africa. It meets a need to provide users with a document governing the security and integrity of data during their use. The goal is to make data a driver of socio-economic growth, inclusivity, innovation, and international openness in Senegal by 2028. 

The upcoming strategy is based on fundamental principles such as privacy protection, transparency, and fairness. It also takes into account the regulatory framework, data collection infrastructures (like data centers), and data preservation and exploitation. 

According to Moussa Thiam, implementing the strategy will foster responsible data use, better privacy protection, and promote innovation - all things which should, ultimately, contribute to a flourishing digital future for Senegal.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 28 juillet 2023 12:18 Written by

Seven years ago, Cape Verde started building a technological center with research and high-level training centers, but also cutting-edge industries. The country expects the project to be completed next year.

Cape Verde just received a second loan, of €14 million, from the African Development Bank (AfDB) for its TechPark project. The Bank and the country recently signed the related agreement in Praia, Cape Verde's capital. The AfDB disclosed the signing on July 26. 

Carlos Monteiro, who heads TechPark's board of directors, said the money will be used to equip the park's two data centers and other areas. Parts will also be used to get furniture, set up renewable energy parks, develop green spaces, and train people who will work at the park.

"The next generation of African talent doesn't need to look for opportunities abroad; Cape Verde has the necessary infrastructure and a favorable political system to nourish their dreams and ambitions in their own country," said Abdu Mukhtar, the AfDB's director for industrial and trade development.

The AfDB's financing falls under its support strategy for major digital projects in Africa. The facility is the second loan provided for building the TechPark site. The project benefited from a first loan of €31.59 million. The funds support Cape Verde's ambitions to become a digital hub, with a dynamic economy. 

The new loan will speed up the park's construction. At full capacity, the park, which should be operational in 2024, will create 1,014 new jobs directly linked to its activities. Another 1,217 indirect jobs will also be created. It is expected to generate an average of €7.5 million per year in its first five years of operation.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 28 juillet 2023 11:37 Written by

The Angolan government has been taking many steps to reform its administration through digitalization. To speed up this process, the country is now teaming up with major tech actors.

The Administrative Modernization Institute (IMA), an auxiliary body of the Angolan Republic's presidency responsible for public administration modernization, and Dell Technologies, an American company providing tech solutions, services, and support, signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Dubai on Friday, July 14. The partnership aims to promote digital governance in Angola.

"The memorandum of understanding between the IMA and Dell Technologies establishes comprehensive cooperation in the field of digital governance. It anticipates the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and best practices, with a focus on the quality of public services, digitization of the economy, improvement of the business environment, support for entrepreneurship, training, and creation of human capital skills," the IMA wrote in a statement.

Last May, IMA took part in the "Dell Technologies World" conference. Organized by Dell, the conference aimed to accelerate digital growth and technological development in the world. The new deal aligns with the Angolan government's ambition to speed up digital growth as well, locally, and with the Angolan people, with various online government services.

Last February, Luanda announced an investment of $89 million to build its national cloud infrastructure by 2024. The digital infrastructure, built across the government’s centers, is expected to provide over 80 public services.

The partnership with Dell will support the ongoing digitization process of public administration in Angola. It should also allow the country to boost its e-government development score. On the UN’s 2022 e-Government Development Index, Angola ranked 157th out of 193 countries, placing it among countries with a medium level of electronic administration development.

Posted On mardi, 18 juillet 2023 13:01 Written by

Most African countries are dematerializing their administrative services to make their people's daily lives easier. Governments in these countries are now taking further steps to speed up this process.

The government of Senegal has just validated its 2023-2027 digitalization plan for the judiciary sector. The authorities did so during a workshop held on July 13. 

The project should cost $13.7 million and result in the establishment of a digital public service of justice that will benefit all of the sector’s actors and users. 

"The ownership and implementation of the digital plan for justice by all actors will bring about a revolution in the functioning of justice by allowing faster decisions, simplifying procedures and steps with a more transparent dimension of the procedures. In addition, it will enable users to reduce travel, and magistrates and ministry staff to improve daily work," said Ismaïla Madior Fall, Senegalese Minister of Justice.

In 2016, Senegal adopted its National Digital strategy which aims to digitize approximately 700 administrative procedures. Many investments have been made to ensure this digital transformation in various sectors of activity. Last June, Dakar released $49.8 million as part of the National Program for the Digitalization of the Health System.

For the second half of this year, Ismaïla Madior Fall explained that the project will focus among other things "on the digitization of the process for issuing legal documents and criminal records, the collection of fines, electronic archiving, naturalization, electronic mail management".

Furthermore, the project aims to adapt the texts to dematerialization, to make the working environment suitable; to give citizens remote access to judicial services by dematerializing all judicial procedures; to operationalize alternative justice; to protect children, or to have management tools for the judicial sector.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 17 juillet 2023 10:31 Written by

Despite having made significant progress in various areas in the past years, Rwanda still faces several issues, such as youth unemployment. Kigali, however, is taking many steps to tackle this specific challenge and help the youth to actively, and productively, contribute to the economy, via the digital sector.

The Rwandan government recently teamed up with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to start a development cooperation project. In a statement dated July 12, 2023, the ILO announced the partnership.

According to the statement, the project will promote youth employment, through digital technologies. 

"This project is an exciting milestone in our ongoing efforts to increase investment in the digital economy and uplift Africa's young workforce. It will serve as a new model to generate practical and effective results that will inspire other countries. I am delighted with the potential of this project to serve as a global best practice," said Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Africa.

Precisely, the project targets young people aged between 16 and 30, in Kigali and secondary towns. It will support job creation and entrepreneurial ventures in the digital economy; help boost youth’s digital skills; and improve public and private employment services provided to the youth. 

With a €4 million budget, the project aligns with the Rwanda 2050 Vision, the Rwandan Transformation Strategy 1, the National Skills Development and Employment Promotion Strategy (NSDEPS) 2019-2024, and the Decent Work Country Program for Rwanda.

Once launched, the project will introduce new digital labor market interventions to create new jobs, reinforce existing programs to promote digital skills and stimulate demand for digital services among micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 17 juillet 2023 09:58 Written by
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