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Public Management (358)

Senegalese authorities have restricted mobile internet access, echoing a move made in 2023 during demonstrations in support of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko.

Senegalese authorities suspended mobile internet access nationwide from Sunday evening, citing concerns about "hateful and subversive messages" circulating online ahead of planned protests against the postponement of the presidential election.

The Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Economy announced the temporary suspension in a statement late Sunday, saying it aimed to "prevent public order disturbances." The move follows Saturday's announcement by the outgoing president of a delay in the election, sparking calls for demonstrations.

This is not the first time internet access has been restricted in Senegal during politically sensitive periods. In 2023, mobile data was cut for nearly five days following the arrest of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko. Critics have condemned both instances as violations of freedom of expression. The suspension has resulted in a significant financial loss for the Senegalese economy, according to the specialist British platform Top10VPN which put the loss at XOF34.9 billion (nearly $58 million). 

The restriction has also impacted various players in the informal sector, including VTC drivers, online vendors, and delivery drivers, for whom mobile Internet is integral to their activities. As of September 2023, the country had 18,595,000 mobile Internet subscribers, per data from telecom regulator ARTP.  

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mardi, 06 février 2024 17:08 Written by

Senegal is fully committed to digitizing its entire healthcare system. In a bid to achieve its goals, the government is multiplying its initiatives in collaboration with all the stakeholders in the sector. 

Senegal's state-owned digital infrastructure company, Sénégal Numérique SA (Senum SA), and the Ministry of Health and Social Action signed an agreement on Tuesday to speed up the digitization of the country's healthcare system.

According to Cheikh Bakhoum (photo, left), CEO of Senum SA, the agreement encompasses various activities, including the domestic hosting of health data, which was previously stored abroad. The data will now be housed within Senegal, specifically in national resource centers.

Under this three-year collaboration, Senum SA will aid in the execution of all digital projects within the sector, host data in the national data center, and enhance connectivity for healthcare facilities, among other tasks. The company will also augment the hosting capacity and bandwidth for digital health records, including the shared patient file (Dpp), telemedicine, the hospital information system, the geographic health system, the digitization of medicines, community health processes, and electronic health governance.

The partnership aligns with the 2023-2027 healthcare system digitization program (PDSS), a government-led initiative. The program, which has received significant financial backing from the World Bank to the tune of $50 million, coincides with the country’s efforts to construct data centers dedicated to storing and hosting national data. The most recent addition to this infrastructure is a Tier 3 data center, established in Diamniadio.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 01 février 2024 15:37 Written by

Senegal's ongoing drive to digitize administrative services marks a significant milestone as GUDE embarks on its digital transformation journey. This crucial segment of the Senegalese economy, previously undergoing initial digitization efforts, has now entered a key phase that promises to streamline procedures and enhance efficiency.

Starting February 1, Senegal's authorities will expand the Single Dematerialized Collection Desk (GUDE) to all participants in the port sector. The move aims to enhance the Port of Dakar (PAD)'s efficiency, increase the port platform's revenue, and simplify procedures for economic operators.

Makhtar Lakh, Secretary General of the Ministry of Commerce, Consumer Affairs, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, stated that the new system for dematerializing collection procedures would save operators time and resources, reduce state and consumer costs, and improve operation predictability.

The GUDE, a collaboration between the PAD, the General Directorate of Customs, and the Community of Port Actors, will extend to other services such as transit, export, and transfers to customs clearance areas outside the PAD over the next three months.

The GUDE's launch is part of Senegal's public sector's ongoing digital transformation. Despite the digital transition's progress, many services are still catching up with the country's public administrations' technological revolution.

Earlier this month, the General Directorate of Public Accounting and the Treasury (DGCPT) introduced an online payment service for road fines. Last November, Senegal Numérique, the national company responsible for managing the State's digital infrastructures, partnered with Blaise Diagne International Airport to digitize all airports in the country.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 31 janvier 2024 16:15 Written by

Kenya is aiming to become a leading technology hub in Africa, ramping up investment in the sector and forging strategic partnerships to fast-track its ambitions.

Kenyan President William Ruto (photo, right) announced on Saturday, January 27, during the inauguration of the Mukiria Technical Training Institute’s teaching block and engineering workshop in Central Imenti, that China has been chosen to equip the country’s digital hubs. The initiative aims to provide Kenyan youth with digital skills.

Ruto emphasized the importance of investing in technical colleges and ICT hubs to ensure that the youth acquire the necessary competencies to monetize their knowledge and skills, thereby contributing to the country’s economic development.

"Our investment in technical colleges and ICT hubs guarantees our youth the acquisition of competencies to help them monetize their knowledge and skills so that they can contribute meaningfully to our economic development," he said.

The Kenyan government has prioritized digital technology in its development policy, taking steps to enable its population, particularly the youth, to keep up with the global technological revolution. The establishment of various digital hubs is a part of this initiative, and the government has increased the education budget to support this project.

Technical training is a crucial element of the Kenyan government’s strategy to equip our human capital, especially the youth, with skills that can significantly contribute to the country’s development,” Ruto explained.

Kenya, along with Nigeria, Egypt, and South Africa, boasts one of the most advanced technological ecosystems in Africa. As of early 2023, Kenya had 17.86 million Internet users, representing an Internet penetration rate of 32.7%, according to DataReportal.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 31 janvier 2024 11:45 Written by

Across Africa, a rapid digital transformation is fueling the continent's economic emergence. Massive investments in technological infrastructure are laying the groundwork for innovation, job creation, and enhanced connectivity, offering a powerful catalyst for growth.

Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson is teaming up with the Malagasy government to accelerate the country's digital transformation, following a recent working visit by its regional leadership.

Strategic meetings with key partners, customers, and industry leaders explored leveraging Ericsson's technologies to expand mobile broadband, bridge the digital divide, and empower individuals, businesses, and communities.

"The engagements focused on Madagascar’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) landscape and delved into areas of collaboration to leverage Ericsson’s innovation to expand mobile broadband access, drive digital inclusion, and create unlimited opportunities for individuals, empower businesses, and transform communities," an Ericsson release points out.

This initiative is part of Ericsson's #AfricaInMotion vision, aiming to contribute to sustainable development and digitization across the African continent. Ericsson's commitment to Madagascar includes recent collaborations like the 2Africa submarine cable project alongside Vodafone. The company is also intensifying investments in telecom infrastructure across its African markets.

The recent working visit thus reaffirms Ericsson's commitment to supporting Madagascar's digital transformation ambitions, contributing to a more connected and prosperous future for the island nation. According to the company's Mobility Report published in November 2023, mobile subscriptions in sub-Saharan Africa are forecast to grow by 3% annually. The number of subscriptions is expected to rise from 940 million in 2023 to 1.1 billion in 2029, with 5G leading this rapid expansion.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 30 janvier 2024 14:33 Written by

Ghana's public utilities are joining a wave of digital transformation sweeping across Africa, aiming to improve efficiency, transparency, and service delivery in vital sectors like water, electricity, and sanitation. The move reflects a broader trend across the continent, where countries are increasingly leveraging technology to modernize infrastructure, boost economic growth, and improve citizens' lives.

Ghana’s state-owned Electricity Company (ECG) announced on Saturday, January 27, the digitization of several of its services. Customers will need to use the company’s mobile app to access services such as requesting a new contract, a sub-meter, or an additional load, to enhance service quality.

The company issued a press release stating, “This paperless system will require prospective customers applying for service to use the ECG Mobile App and follow the prompts therein, including uploading all required documents for the processing of service requests.” It further advised customers to provide accurate information when applying for the service, noting that all responses regarding their applications would be communicated via the contact telephone numbers provided.

Digital transformation is accelerating in Ghana, as in many other African countries, with an increasing number of public bodies digitizing their services to simplify daily life for citizens. According to the “E-Government Survey 2022 The Future of Digital Government” report by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), Ghana, under the leadership of Nana Akufo-Addo, is one of sixteen African champions in e-government, outperforming other West African countries like Cape Verde and Côte d’Ivoire.

DataReportal data indicates that Ghana had 23.05 million internet users at the start of 2023, representing an internet penetration rate of 68.2%.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 29 janvier 2024 17:08 Written by

In a bid to bolster the nation's digital economy, Tanzanian officials have opted to forge strategic alliances.

Minister of Information and Communication Technologies Nape Nnauye (pictured center) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with NMB Bank executives this weekend in Dar es Salaam. "This agreement aligns with our Ten-Year Digital Economy Strategy (2024-2034)," Nnauye emphasized, highlighting the government's commitment to fostering local tech advancement.

The partnership positions NMB Bank as a key player in Tanzania's digital drive. The collaboration will see the bank co-design crucial digital systems alongside public authorities. Examples include the "Jamii Namba" citizen identification platform and the electronic "Know Your Customer" (eKYC) protocol for streamlined online service delivery.

NMB Bank CEO Ruth Zaipuna (pictured left) welcomed the partnership, stating, "Strengthening the digital economy benefits both NMB Bank and the broader financial sector by enabling improved delivery of financial services across the country."

This move aligns with President Samia Suluhu's vision of a thriving digital economy as a vital engine for Tanzania's development. The country's growing online presence is undeniable, with DataReportal data citing 21 million internet users and 4.90 million social media users as of 2023, translating to a 31.6% internet penetration rate.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 29 janvier 2024 12:47 Written by

Bosun Tijani's tenure as the Digital Minister has seen a  surge in programs aligned with national strategy. This new program is dedicated to enhancing the skills of civil servants. 

Nigeria's Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Bosun Tijani (photo, right), announced the launch of DevsInGovernment on Friday, January 26, via social media platform X. The initiative aims to enhance the digital skills of civil servants and improve public service delivery.

"To build a digitally empowered Civil Service for Nigeria, we recently launched DevsInGovernment," Tijani wrote. "This community of technologists and tech enthusiasts in public service will collaborate to drive efficiency in the delivery of public services. They will also champion our Digital Public Infrastructure initiative aimed at transforming public services."

This move aligns with Nigeria's national digital transformation strategy. However, despite government investments, the country lacks a strong e-government presence, ranking outside the top 16 performers in Africa, according to the UN DESA's 2022 "E-Government Survey."

When we empower these people, when we create the community as a platform for Serendipity a lot will happen. They can collaborate, they can share their pains; they can access resources together and we can also focus on supporting them with continuous personal development as well just to ensure that even as we aspire to deeply use technology, we have the workforce to also back them as well," Tijani explained.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On vendredi, 26 janvier 2024 16:02 Written by

In 2023, funding for African startups fell by 40% compared to 2022 with all African technology ecosystems being affected, especially Nigeria.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (photo, left) pledged a strong partnership with Nigeria's burgeoning tech sector during a Tuesday meeting with President Bola Tinubu, expressing American firms' eagerness to invest and collaborate.

Nigeria "is a place of extraordinary innovation and dynamism," Blinken said at the State House in Abuja. "I've seen that each and every time, and I expect to see more of that in Lagos tomorrow."

Blinken's remarks underscore the growing interest from U.S. tech giants and venture capitalists in Nigeria's vibrant startup ecosystem, one of the most promising on the continent. According to CB Insights, Nigerian startups raised $224 million in 2023 alone, following a $531 million haul in 2022 and exceeding $1 billion in 2021.

"American entrepreneurs and companies are eager to partner with and invest in Nigeria's economy, particularly in the tech sector," Blinken emphasized. "Our venture capital companies are working to finance them. We want to work in partnership to help drive Nigeria's technological revolution."

He further highlighted the potential for mutual benefit, stating: "One of the things we've learned from these partnerships is that it benefits us as much as any place or any company that we're investing in."

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On vendredi, 26 janvier 2024 11:42 Written by

As the rapid digital transformation exposes users to cyber threats across Africa, authorities are taking steps to secure the cyberspace, recognizing the crucial role of cybersecurity in fostering sustainable development. 

Benin’s parliament on Tuesday approved a law for the ratification of the Malabo Convention on cybersecurity and personal data protection. This move empowers the Beninese government to effectively tackle cybercrime.

The Malabo Convention, aimed at bolstering and harmonizing the ICT legislation of African nations and Regional Economic Communities, became crucial in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which spurred digital transformation across the continent. The convention, which respects fundamental freedoms and human rights, came into effect last October after ratification by Mauritania.

With this ratification, Benin joins 15 other African states that have ratified the convention since its adoption in 2014 in Equatorial Guinea. It will therefore enable the enforcement of that convention as per its Article 36, which requires ratification by at least 15 countries before that implementation.  The countries that ratified it before Benin include Angola, Togo, Senegal, Rwanda, Namibia, Niger, Mauritius, Mozambique, Ghana, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cape Verde, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mauritania.

Benin’s parliamentarians also ratified the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, providing an international framework for practitioners in the States Parties to collaborate and establish relations for cooperation in specific cases, especially emergencies, beyond the specific provisions of the Convention.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On jeudi, 25 janvier 2024 13:19 Written by
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