Public Management

Public Management (358)

The Congolese government aims to enhance its ability to provide public services tailored to the needs of the population through digital means. This initiative is a key objective of the Digital Transformation Acceleration Project.

On Friday, June 14, Léon Juste Ibombo (photo, center), Congolese Minister of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy, launched a high-speed internet connection project for public administrations nationwide. The six-month project, valued at €3.2 million (around $3.5
million), is being undertaken by Silicone Connect.

The initial phase will focus on the Ministries of Interior, Posts and Telecommunications, Health, Justice, Social Affairs, and Public Service. It involves installing Wi-Fi access points and implementing digital services.

Minister Ibombo anticipates improved connectivity for civil registry centers within the public service sector. This will strengthen the integrated civil registry system, enabling efficient synchronization and better management of civil data. "Healthcare and Justice sectors will also benefit from increased connectivity in their respective registry centers, hospitals, and courts, ensuring smooth and transparent data management" he added.

This initiative follows the deployment of high-speed internet in Congolese public universities two months prior. It aligns with the Digital Transformation Acceleration Project (PATN). PATN aims to expand high-speed internet access for underserved populations and enhance the government's ability to deliver targeted public services digitally. The World Bank is supporting the $100 million project, with an allocated budget of approximately $64 million for 2024.

By 2025, the Congolese government aims to achieve equitable access to digital services for all citizens. "As digital technology becomes a critical pillar of our development, this project aligns with the President's vision to prepare Congo for a digital, inclusive, and dynamic future the information society," Minister Ibombo declared

Isaac K. Kassouwi

Posted On mardi, 18 juin 2024 10:01 Written by

The Burkinabe government aims to accelerate digital transformation and make it a cornerstone of socio-economic development. However, it must first ensure widespread Internet access across the country, including homes, government offices, hospitals, and schools.

On Friday, June 14, Burkina Faso launched high-speed internet connection for nine out of ten higher education and research institutions (HERIs). The $6.2 million project was financed by the World Bank and implemented with the technical assistance of the mobile operator Orange Burkina Faso.

"We provided the Ministry of Higher Education with IT equipment, including Wi-Fi devices installed in the nine HERIs," said Nafy Silué Coulibaly, CEO of Orange. "We also worked to connect the various buildings [174 in total, Ed.] with very high-speed fiber connectivity, and trained 29 engineers who will ensure the monitoring and maintenance of the entire system for the sustainability of the project."

The project launch follows President Ibrahim Traoré's meeting with the academic community in January 2023, which focused on the challenges plaguing the country's universities and education system. The Burkina Faso head of state instructed Adjima Thiombiano, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, to equip the country's HERIs with high-speed internet.

According to Mr. Thiombiano, providing high-speed internet in Burkina Faso's public universities will help expand e-learning by facilitating access to online information and educational resources. It will also foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders, improve students' digital skills, and stimulate innovation and creativity.

Furthermore, this initiative is part of the digital transformation drive in which the Burkina Faso government is engaged. The government aims to introduce digital technology in all sectors to make it an instrument of societal transformation and socio-economic development.

Isaac K. Kassouwi

Posted On mardi, 18 juin 2024 10:00 Written by

Africa's digital transformation is gaining momentum, and building a strong digital infrastructure is crucial to achieving the goals outlined in previous strategy documents.

Mauritania plans to install an additional 2,300 kilometers of optic fiber cable nationwide, Minister of Digital Transformation Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Louly announced on June 10th. The plan, unveiled at the launch of a fiber optic training program, aims to connect all wilayas and moughatas to fiber optic infrastructure.

This initiative is part of the Mauritanian government's Digital Agenda 2022-2025, which seeks to leverage digital technology as a catalyst for accelerating the country's socio-economic development. In May 2021, the government established a specialized ministry to oversee all projects related to this vision. Since then, the country has already implemented more than 5,500 kilometers of fiber optic cable as part of its efforts to improve digital infrastructure.

In addition to political will, this progress has been driven by various partnerships. Notable agreements include several partnerships with the United Arab Emirates and France, as well as prospects for enhanced cooperation in the digital sector with the United Nations. On April 2, the Mauritanian minister met with Leila Peters Yahya, the UN system's Resident Coordinator in Mauritania, in Nouakchott to discuss these collaborations.

Under its Digital Agenda 2022-2025, Mauritania planned to lay 4,000 kilometers of backbone infrastructure by 2025 and has outlined plans for an additional 4,000 kilometers in the coming years. The goal is to enhance Internet connectivity and access to international bandwidth, which are essential conditions for the development of e-government, the proliferation of startups, and the emergence of a technological ecosystem in the country.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 12 juin 2024 13:48 Written by

In 2021, Zambia recorded over 10 million cyberattacks, while losses for the financial sector were estimated at approximately $5.6 million between 2020 and the second quarter of 2022, according to the government.

In Zambia, a court has sentenced 22 Chinese nationals and a Cameroonian to prison terms ranging from seven to eleven years, along with fines for cybercrime, as reported by AP News on Saturday, June 8.

These convictions follow a series of investigations that began after a surge in computer fraud cases. Many victims reported unexplained losses of money from their mobile phones and bank accounts. The convicted individuals were part of an Internet fraud network, dismantled last April, which comprised 77 members, mostly Zambians. During the raid that led to their arrest, authorities seized over 13,000 SIM cards, firearms, and ammunition. The online scams orchestrated by this network primarily targeted Zambians, as well as individuals in Singapore, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates.

According to government data, Zambia recorded 10,718,002 cyberattacks in 2021. Also, the financial sector lost more than 150 million kwachas ($5.6 million) between 2020 and the second quarter of 2022.

In 2021, the country enacted the Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Act, which aims to protect people online, especially children, and to facilitate the identification, reporting, and protection of critical information infrastructures.

Meanwile, the country ranked 10th in Africa and 73rd globally in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2020 with a score of 68.88%. 

Charlène N’dimon

Posted On mercredi, 12 juin 2024 10:13 Written by

The Chadian government launched an ambitious Strategic Plan for Digital and Postal Development in 2020, demonstrating its commitment to bridging the country's technological gap.

Chad's Minister of Communications, Digital Economy, and Administration Digitalization, Boukar Michel, met with United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Executive Secretary Claver Gatete on the sidelines of the ICANN80 summit in Kigali, Rwanda, yesterday June 10th.

The discussion centered on fostering collaboration to address key challenges and unlock opportunities in Chad's digital sector. Minister Michel presented the country's Strategic Plan for Digital and Postal Development 2020-2030 (PSDNP) and the new president's digital policy platform. This presentation, according to a ministry statement, aimed to showcase Chad's digital ambitions and priorities, outlining both completed and planned initiatives.

Launched in 2020, the PSDNP serves as an ambitious roadmap for Chad's digital transformation. It outlines a series of reforms targeting key sectors like healthcare, education, and telecommunications. These reforms aim to expand access to digital services, bolster technological infrastructure, and cultivate innovation. The government estimates the total cost of implementing these projects at 1452 billion FCFA (US$2.4 billion).

Both parties concluded the meeting by reaffirming their dedication to strengthening cooperation and accelerating Chad's digital transformation journey. This collaboration positions Chad to leverage UNECA's expertise in developing robust digital infrastructure, enhancing digital skills, and more.

Samira Njoya


Posted On mardi, 11 juin 2024 11:59 Written by

Agriculture is a vital sector for African economies. With the digital transformation amidst a technological revolution on the continent, digitizing the agricultural sector has become crucial for many countries across the continent.

The Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Digital Green, a U.S.-based non-profit focused on digitizing agriculture, to empower farmers through digital solutions.

The announcement, made by Digital Green on Facebook on June 2, outlines a five-year collaboration aimed at maximizing agricultural and socio-economic benefits for farmers, particularly women and youth, in the operational regions of both organizations.

The initiative will establish a knowledge-sharing platform built on FarmStack, an open-source data and content-sharing network. This platform will leverage APIs, URLs, and CKAN integrations for seamless information exchange.

"We're thrilled to announce that we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency to maximize the agricultural and socio-economic benefits for farmers, women, and youth in the operational regions and Woredas of both organizations," Digital Green wrote on their Facebook page. "This five-year MOU aims to outline collaborative efforts in digital agriculture, youth job creation, women empowerment, market information systems, resource mobilization, and data sharing."

Ethiopia's digital transformation strategy includes digitizing the agricultural sector. The government partnered with local agritech firm Lersha to create digital profiles for over 1 million small-scale farmers, granting them access to various digital agriculture services.

"Together, we will implement initiatives to digitize farmer registries, enhance digital agricultural extension channels, and improve market access, ultimately benefiting farmers, women, and youth across Ethiopia," Digital Green added.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On vendredi, 07 juin 2024 08:41 Written by

In a bid to establish Kenya as a leading tech hub in Africa, Kenyan authorities are forging multiple partnerships with various stakeholders from the United States, China, and South Korea.

Kenya has secured $238 million from Korea Eximbank to invest in the Konza Technopolis smart city. The agreement was finalized on the sidelines of the Korea-Africa Summit 2024, held on Tuesday, June 4, and Wednesday, June 5, in Ilsan and Seoul, South Korea.

"The government of Kenya and Korea Exim Bank, represented by Executive Director and Board Member H.E. Hwang Kiyeon, signed two funding agreements amounting to US$ 238M for the financing of Konza Digital Media City project to establish a cutting edge film and creative economy hub at Konza Technopolis," stated Korir Sing'Oei [photo, left], Kenya's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Previously known as Konza Technology City, Konza Technopolis was launched by the Kenyan government in 2012. It is part of the Kenya Vision 2030 national development plan, which aims, among other goals, to position the country as a technological leader in Africa. Supported by the World Bank through the International Finance Corporation, this smart city project includes advanced ICT infrastructure, innovation centers, and digital training programs.

Upon taking office in 2022, President William Ruto sought to revitalize the Konza Technopolis project. "The administration will strengthen Konza Technopolis to bring together industry, academic institutions and other innovators to co-invest in emerging technologies to create high-quality jobs that leverage on artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies and thus enhance our regional and global competitiveness," he said in 2022.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On mercredi, 05 juin 2024 10:38 Written by

At the first edition of Gitex Africa, the two entities formed an alliance to collaborate in the digital sector in Senegal. They signed another agreement a year later for the same purpose.

Sénégal Numérique SA (SENUM SA), the public company responsible for managing digital infrastructure in Senegal, and Elm, a Saudi company specializing in digital solutions, signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday, May 30, during the second edition of Gitex Africa in Marrakech, Morocco (May 29 to 31).

"The memorandum of understanding, signed by Al-Ameen Al-Hazmi [photo, left], Director of Integrated Solutions at Elm, and Cheikh Bakhoum [photo, right], Director General of Sénégal Numérique, outlines the collaboration between Elm and Sénégal Numérique for the creation and operation of a digital archiving center. They will also seek financial partners to fund the project and develop IT infrastructure for the benefit of Senegalese government agencies," explained he communiqué published by the Saudi firm on Friday, May 30.

This partnership aligns with SENUM SA's objectives for 2025, as outlined in the "Sénégal numérique 2025" strategy document. It will facilitate knowledge exchange between Saudi Arabia and Senegal and stimulate the tech sector to become a driving force in both countries. 

This is not the first memorandum signed by the two entities. Last June, during the first edition of the Gitex Africa tech show, also held in Marrakech, they signed a partnership agreement under which the Saudi firm agreed to assist SENUM SA in using technology to boost economic growth, improve public services, empower Senegalese citizens, and promote digital inclusion.

Speaking on the new partnership, Majid bin Saad Al Arifi, official spokesperson and Senior Vice President of Marketing at Elm, stated: "We remain committed to collaborative projects and promoting innovation and growth in the digital sector. We also hope that this partnership will yield tangible economic and social benefits by driving development through innovative technical solutions and Elm's capabilities to enable a digitally connected life."

Adoni Conrad Quenum


Posted On lundi, 03 juin 2024 12:43 Written by

To enhance administrative efficiency and optimize data management, African governments are increasingly digitizing public services. The ambitious initiative is expected to significantly improve citizens' lives.

Burkina Faso's Ministry of Environment, Water, and Sanitation unveiled a new digital platform on Friday, May 17, to simplify the application process for users. Accessible at, the platform currently streamlines ten environmental procedures.

"This portal will make it easier for our citizens to access these services and improve our ministry's efficiency in responding to user requests," said Aminata Zerbo/Sabane (photo, center), Minister of Digital Transition, Posts, and Electronic Communications, at the launch event.

The ten procedures digitized by the Ministry of Environment include the issuance of technical opinions for the importation of chemical products, certification for biodegradable plastic packaging and bags, exemption certificates for non-biodegradable plastic packaging and bags, and authorization for solid waste management. They also cover permits for the transportation and cutting of wood and charcoal, ecotourism permits, wild animal possession, hunting licenses, and technical approvals in the water and sanitation sector.

The launch of this portal is part of the 2021-2025 National Strategy for the Modernization of Public Administration (SNMAP). This strategy aims to provide Burkina Faso with an excellent public administration serving users by 2025. In the coming months, other ministries will also launch their own platforms, to facilitate interaction between users and the administration while reducing the need for in-person visits.  

This extensive project marks a significant step towards the modernization and digitization of administrative services in Burkina Faso, thereby improving the quality and accessibility of public services for citizens. It reflects the Burkinabe government's commitment to using digital technologies to optimize interactions between citizens and the administration, track requests in real-time, generate statistics on processed applications, facilitate file archiving, and reduce paper usage.

Samira Njoya

Posted On mardi, 21 mai 2024 10:30 Written by

As an entrepreneur, he aims to ensure that sensitive products such as vaccines are transported under the right conditions, from the pharmacy to the patient.

Christian Cédric Toe (photo), an engineer and entrepreneur from Burkina Faso, is the founder of Laafi Concepts. His company provides an all-encompassing solution for tracking the critical conditions of sensitive items such as vaccines and other pharmaceuticals throughout their supply and distribution chain.

Established in 2020, the startup aims to enhance the availability of health products, including vaccines, and bolster food safety across the continent. Central to its services is the Laafi Monitor, a device that enables customers to track the temperature, humidity, and light exposure of their products in real-time. With its customizable alert features, this tool offers reassurance by alerting users to any critical changes.

In addition to this, the startup has created Laafi Mobile, an app designed to monitor and manage the transport and storage conditions of sensitive products, thereby providing a comprehensive solution to its clients.

Laafi Concepts has benefited greatly from the strategic support of Orange. Christian Cédric Toe acknowledges, “Orange has been instrumental in helping us identify new markets, providing mentorship, and granting us access to its network of experts. This support has been pivotal in the development and marketing of our product.”

Laafi Concepts has set ambitious development goals. The entrepreneur shared with We Are Tech Africa, “We aim to standardize all our processes, enhance the accessibility of our products, increase our institutional customer base to 100 by 2025, develop new features for our solution, and expand our presence in new markets in Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Toe was invited to the World Electronics Forum in Morocco, which ran from Monday, April 15, to Thursday, April 18. This event provided him with the opportunity to network and collaborate with other business leaders.

Toe is an alumnus of the Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and maintenance in 2013. Prior to founding Laafi Concepts, he introduced Laafi Bag, a refrigerating bag that can keep vaccines at the correct temperature for 90 hours. This innovative product, developed by his company Genuine Concept (2015-2020), won him the innovation award at the Rebranding Africa Awards in 2016.

Melchior Koba

Posted On mardi, 16 avril 2024 18:16 Written by
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