
Tech (524)

After raising $600,000 in April to support its growth, Malagasy edtech Sayna is partnering with Orange, one of its investors, to reach its flagship goal of training 8,000 developers by 2024.

Orange Madagascar and Malagasy edtech platform Sayna signed, Wednesday (September 14), two partnership agreements to offer tech digital skills to young Malagasies. The agreements were signed by Frederic Debord (photo, left), CEO of Orange Madagascar, and  Matina Razafimahefa (photo, right), one of Sayna's co-founders. Under the agreements, Orange will deploy Sayna licenses, enabling access to the platform’s online courses for its learners’ network.  

The two parties explain that "with Sayna's 100% online and gamified training, Orange is extending its impact, as far as digital inclusion and prompting equal opportunities are concerned, to the entire country.”

They add that thanks to the two agreements, Orange Digital Center Madagascar has become a partner space that will host in-person sessions and events organized by Sayna in Malagasy provinces. 

Sayna was founded in 2018.  By using cutting-edge techniques, it introduces young people to digital professions. It also takes care of their professional integration and assigns various business tasks to trainees, depending on their levels. Its teaching techniques earned the trust of many investors, including Orange Ventures. 

The agreement between Orange and Sayna will enable access to the ed tech professional integration feature for the young people trained at the Orange Digital Center. “With the tasks assigned by Sayna to Orange Coding Academy learners, the latter will get paid professional experience that gives them hands-on training while awaiting their first jobs,” the two parties indicate. 

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Posted On lundi, 19 septembre 2022 13:41 Written by

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, the African data center exploded with increased demand for managed services amid an accelerated digital transformation. Raxio wants to capitalize on the growth prospects.  

Carrier-neutral data center operator Raxio Group held the groundbreaking ceremony of its DR Congo-based Tier 3 neutral colocation data center yesterday. The data center, which is said to be the first of its kind in the country, was announced in March 2021. 

For Raxio Group president Robert Mullins, “access to data center infrastructure is more important now than ever before as connectivity and digital transformation make rapid progress in the DRC.” 

“As with all our facilities, our customers and partners have been at the heart of our design process and it is our aim that the DRC’s first Tier III carrier-neutral data center will provide a critical and missing part of the country’s digital infrastructure,” he added. 

The infrastructure is expected to be inaugurated in late 2023. It is designed as a state-of-the-art facility with a planned IT capacity of 1.5MW that can accommodate nearly 400 racks. It is expected to improve the traffic between local and international content creators, but also enhance Internet connection and make it more affordable for users.

For DRC officials, the data center under construction aligns with the government’s strategic plan to equip the country with digital infrastructures of international standards, as reflected in the national digital plan horizon 2025.

According to the report "Data Center Market in Africa - Industry Outlook and Forecast 2020-2025", the data center market in Africa is expected to grow by over 12% annually in 2020-2025. Its value is also expected to rise to US$3 billion. Raxio wants to take advantage of this burgeoning market by building 10 to 12 data centers across Africa.  Currently, it has data centers in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, and Tanzania.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 16 septembre 2022 17:13 Written by

One year after the first edition of the YouthADAPT Challenge, which rewarded twenty African start-ups, the two partners are again calling on young people to submit innovative solutions and business ideas that can help adapt and build resilience to climate change.

The Global Centre for Adaptation in partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB) launched, on Wednesday 15 September, the second edition of the Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge) on climate change adaptation.

The call is open, till, October 4, 2022, to young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 35, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as other youth-led or youth-owned companies in Africa (50% female-led).

To be eligible, start-ups must be based or legally registered in Africa. They must also provide climate adaptation or resilience solutions that address real-life challenges. 

The twenty successful business plans will each receive development grants of up to US$100,000. They will also benefit from a 12-month business acceleration program to help them scale up their businesses and create decent jobs. In addition, dedicated support and mentoring for the winning companies will help them develop partnerships, share knowledge, and learn through a network of young entrepreneurs invested in climate change adaptation. 

Posted On jeudi, 15 septembre 2022 16:31 Written by

Since the launch of the eNaira on October 25, 2021, Nigeria has been working to stabilize its weakening currency, curb the rising inflation and boost growth after the economic disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nigerian company Flutterwave announced on Wednesday, September 14 that merchants will now be able to accept eNaira payments from their customers on their platform. The new payment option adds to the existing ones, including bank cards and transfers, barter payments, etc.  

In its product update published the same day, the company explains that the move aligns with its commitment to providing the “best payment experience for businesses everywhere.

The eNaira joins the robust list of payment options available on Flutterwave. Merchants can now enable the eNaira payment option for collection from their customers via API and Checkout,” it wrote. 

The latest information from the Nigerian Central Bank (CBN) revealed that about 270,000 eNaira wallets have been opened, of which 252,000 are consumer wallets and 17,000 are merchant wallets. In addition, the volume and value of transactions have reached over NGN200,000 naira (US$467.5) and 4 billion respectively.

To transact in eNaira on Flutterwave, users will now need to either scan QR codes or generate unique tokens using the app.

Through its platform, Flutterwave provides technology, infrastructure, and services to enable global businesses, payment service providers, and pan-African banks to accept and process payments on any channel (Web, Mobile, ATM & POS). The company which currently operates in Africa, Europe, North America, and other emerging markets provides a suite of payment tools that enable over one million businesses to accept payments from their customers worldwide in over 150 currencies, including Naira and now eNaira.

With this move, Flutterwave eases the implementation of Nigeria’s economic strategy to boost the use of its digital currency by attracting even more unbanked users including merchants “after a first phase adoption saw 850,000 downloads by bank customers.”

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 15 septembre 2022 16:27 Written by

In Africa, with the acceleration of digital transformation, there is currently a shortage of digital skills. The situation is concerning for various governments, which are stepping up efforts to create digital skill pools and reduce unemployment at the same time.  

The Smart Africa Digital Academy (SADA) recently launched a national digital academy to promote digital skills in Benin.  The founding memorandum of understanding was signed, last Thursday (September 8), by Lacina Koné (photo, right), CEO of Smart Africa, and Aurelie Adam Soule Zoumarou (photo, left), Beninese Minister of Digital Economy. 

According to Lacina Koné, “SADA is a direct solution to the digital skill shortage facing Benin, in particular, and Africa as a whole. SADA Benin will support [authorities’] agenda that aims to place digital skills at the core of Africa’s current and future socioeconomic development.”

In the framework of the partnership agreement between Bening and the Smart Africa alliance, forty cybersecurity and artificial intelligence instructors are already being trained. Once their training is completed, those instructors will train and pass on their skills to other instructors to build a pool of qualified instructors. The SADA also plans to offer advanced ICT courses to managers and teachers.

Thanks to the reforms and flagship projects in the Beninese government's strategic plan, the country jumped from the 177th spot in the UN e-Government Development Index in 2016 to the 157th spot in 2020. 

The SADA Benin initiative will therefore be a key support to the country’s digital transformation plan, which aims to transform Benin into a digital services hub in West Africa. 

For Minister  Aurelie Adam Soule Zoumarou, the alliance will "consolidate the efforts already undertaken by the Republic of Benin in the framework of its national development program and provide new cooperation opportunities.”

SADA Benin is the fourth national academy launched by Smart Africa since January 2022. The first three were in Congo, Rwanda, and Ghana. The alliance plans to launch similar academies in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisia, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, and Sierra Leone in the coming months.

Since it began operations in August 2020, focusing on the Capacity Building for Decision Makers (CBDM) module, SADA has trained approximately 3,000 decision and policymakers across 26 countries on topics related to digital transformation and hot emerging technologies. Its goal is to train more than 22,000 people in partner countries, by 2023.

Samira Njoya

Posted On lundi, 12 septembre 2022 13:11 Written by

In Africa, economically disadvantaged populations’ poor access to technological skills raises concerns about increasing inequalities in the job market. Actors are inking partnerships to ensure the digital economy benefits everyone. 

Carnegie Mellon University Africa (CMU-A), the Mastercard Foundation, and the Rwanda government will train 10,000 African youth from economically disadvantaged communities in digital skills. For that purpose, the three parties signed a US$275.7 million agreement yesterday. 

According to an official release, the investment provided by the Mastercard Foundation “includes a $175M endowment to perpetually fund CMU-Africa [...] and $100.7M to establish CMU-Africa’s Center for the Inclusive Digital Transformation of Africa.” The funds will help reach  a broad audience as well as specific targets, including young women, youth with disabilities, and forcibly displaced youth.  The beneficiaries will receive advanced training in information technology, electrical and computer engineering, and artificial intelligence. Some of the training programs will be delivered online. 

According to the World Bank, millions of young Africans will be in the job market by 2030. For Farnam Jahanian, president of Carnegie Mellon University,  "it's important to give them access to education in the high-tech fields that are driving the economies of the future.”

Rwandan Minister of Education, Valentine Uwamariya, indicated that the “strategic partnership with Carnegie Mellon University is one of the Government of Rwanda’s key investments to support the development of a critical mass of skills [...] required by the knowledge economy and to help accelerate Rwanda and the region’s socioeconomic transformation.”

The agreement between Carnegie Mellon University Africa and the Mastercard Foundation builds on a previous partnership between the two parties, as well as a successful 10-year collaboration between the Rwandan government and the academic institution.

Samira Njoya

Posted On vendredi, 09 septembre 2022 15:54 Written by

In the last few years, blockchain has become one of the important technologies used in the development of a wide range of IT solutions. In recent months, several games and service platforms using cryptocurrency and NFT technologies have made the news.  

Nigerian blockchain gaming platform blockchain Metaverse Magna (MVM) announced, Monday (September 5), that it had secured US$3.2 million during a seed token sale round. Thanks to the funds raised, it plans to build Africa’s largest gaming decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and offer gamers access to world-class opportunities.  

According to Yele Bademosi, CEO of Netscoin (which developed MVM),  “Africa has the highest youth population globally, but over 60% of the continent’s youth are unemployed […] Gaming presents a unique opportunity to help young Africans earn and lift themselves and their families out of poverty.”

Therefore, “MVM’s seed sale token ensures opportunities for millions of gamers in these emerging markets,” he added. 

In its 2021 cloud gaming report, Newzoo indicates that in Sub-Saharan Africa, the gaming population rose from 77 million in 2015 to 186 million in 2021. The report also forecasted that the population would grow further in the next three years. 

During its market research for MVM, Nestcoin noted the ever-growing number of African gamers and the lack of platforms combining gaming and blockchain. In 2021, it started a gaming guild offering play-to-earn scholarships to over 1,000 gamers to play crypto games like  Axie Infinity and Pegaxy.

To date, Nestcoin claims more than 100,000 members across its products and community. It plans to build a social gaming app that would reduce unemployment in Africa and create opportunities for the continent's 186 million-plus gamers. "[...]In a decade, I would love for us to have the kind of impact that Tencent has had on the gaming industry in Asia. If we can do up to 2% of that, it will be incredible," said Yele Bademosi.

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 08 septembre 2022 20:41 Written by

In Nigeria, women comprise more than half of the rural labor force. This exposes them to rural-urban income disparities. To help them cope in case of increased rural poverty, programs are underway to empower them and make them able to capitalize on the digital economy. 

Nigeria and the UN Women will launch a digital farming platform for women in the coming months. The plan was disclosed by the Nigerian Minister of Women Affairs  Pauline Tallen, during the visit of  Beatrice Eyong, UN Women’s representative to Nigeria, last Wednesday.  

According to Minister Pauline Tallen, similar projects focused on empowering women should receive more funds because “once a woman is empowered, the home and lifestyle of her family will change and the nation will be healthier and better-off.” 

If the government could focus more on empowering women, it will not only change the lives of women alone but jump-start the economy,” she indicated.

The announced platform will provide users an overview of a business lifecycle, the tips, and tools needed to avoid distress selling, sell products at higher prices and reduce post-harvest losses. 

According to Beatrice Eyong, the platform will also help improve rural communities’ economic and financial abilities, “introduce them to the digital economy, and prepare them for climate change.” She added that countries like Mali, and Senegal have already embraced similar platforms, benefiting women and even men.

The platform is part of the World Bank-supported program Nigeria for Women Project (NFWP), which aims to improve women’s livelihoods. The 5-year program plans to build the capacity of 324,000 women, facilitating their access to livelihood opportunities. According to the World Bank, in Nigeria, the significant rural-urban income disparity affects women, particularly the 54 million (out of a total of 80.2 million women) women who live and work in rural areas and provide 60-79% of the rural labor force. A significant increase in rural poverty translates into an increase in female poverty. Hence the need to build women’s capacities. 

Samira Njoya

Posted On jeudi, 08 septembre 2022 13:35 Written by

Since its arrival in the South African market nine years ago, Uber has gradually expanded its services on the continent covering eight other countries. In the coming years, it plans to add more to its continental markets. 

US ride-hailing company Uber announced, Tuesday, September 6, its launch in eight African cities with new products and features. According to the company's statement, the cities are located in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Ivory Coast, where it already operates.

“As we prepare to celebrate our 10th anniversary next year, we’re excited to move into more cities so people can go wherever they want and get whatever they want. Our commitment to raising the bar on safety remains unwavering, and we continue to work hard to grow the more than 3 million earning opportunities we’ve created so far,” said Kagiso Khaole, general manager of Uber Sub-Saharan Africa.  

The company's expansion into new markets comes with the introduction of new services such as UberX Share, Uber ChapChap Share, UberXL, UberXL Reserve and Uber Van Reserve. The new services offer riders the opportunity to save up to 30 percent off the normal ride price. Some services such as UberXL Reserve and Uber Van Reserve will allow riders to book their group trips 30 days in advance.

Since its arrival in Africa in August 2013, Uber has been steadily rolling out new features to attract customers. Three new safety features will be announced in the coming months, including audio recording (in South Africa), we learn.  The audio recording feature will allow users and drivers to record and share audio during the ride to serve as evidence in case of safety incidents.

Uber's presence in these eight new cities - namely Owerri and Akure in Nigeria; Eldoret, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Naivasha in Kenya; and Tamale and Sunyani in Ghana - will create new economic opportunities in Africa.

In an article published on May 26, 2022, by South African Daily Maverick, Mpho Sebelebele, Uber's communications manager for South Africa, indicated that the ride-sharing company has created more than six million economic opportunities in over 50 sub-Sarahan African cities since 2013. 

Samira Njoya

Posted On mercredi, 07 septembre 2022 17:10 Written by

The digital and mobile ecosystems are important tools that can help Africa achieve sustainable development goals. Indeed, apart from the jobs they can create, they can also improve education, health, and governance. That is why, in recent years, numerous projects are implemented to capitalize on the opportunities offered by those ecosystems.  

The GSM Association (GSMA) and German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) recently issued a call for applications for the Platforms for Tomorrow acceleration program under the Mobile Innovation Hub jointly implemented in Tunisia since 2020. 

The aim of the acceleration program is to support innovators that develop platforms to act as a bridge between supply and demand while facilitating social, economic, and human development. Applications are open till September 25, 2022. 

The main targets of the 6-month acceleration program (October 2022- March 2023) are applicants whose solutions have active users, early sales, or already launched products. The solutions must also have strong social and economic impacts. 

The program is also interested in solution developers with a potentially scalable product or service that has a significant total addressable market. It also targets innovators willing to improve the quality, performance, and well-being of their employees by offering dedicated training and solutions that have “potential for synergy with Mobile Network Operators (telecoms).”

Muriel Edjo

Posted On mardi, 06 septembre 2022 13:38 Written by
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