Accurate birth registration data is essential for government planning and budgeting, ensuring efficient resource allocation. It also helps monitor progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as eliminating poverty, promoting quality education, and reducing inequality.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has underscored the critical need for e-birth registration to ensure Nigerian children obtain a legal identity. Celine Lafoucriere, Chief of UNICEF's South-West Nigeria Field Office, highlighted this during a media dialogue in Lagos on July 17.

The event, organized by UNICEF in collaboration with the Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Social Development and the National Population Commission (NPC), aimed to promote e-birth registration in South-West Nigeria.

Lafoucriere noted that without a birth certificate, a child remains invisible and lacks access to essential services such as protection, health, and education. "Birth registration is a fundamental human right and cornerstone of a child's legal identity," she said.

The dialogue underscored the collective effort required to ensure every Nigerian child is registered and has access to their legal rights and essential services.

According to the 2022 ‘Statistical Update on Birth Registration in Africa’ by UNICEF and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), out of the 164 million children under 5 worldwide who are unregistered, over half (approximately 91 million) reside in Africa. This lack of registration hinders effective planning and policy-making, as accurate data is crucial for these processes.

The E-birth registration will allow parents to register their children immediately after birth, addressing accessibility challenges in Nigeria. This system supports robust civil registration and generates vital statistics for effective planning and policy implementation.

Hikmatu Bilali

Published in News

Investing in digital infrastructure is a significant step for African development as it is crucial in enhancing government efficiency, improving data management, and fostering economic growth. By integrating advanced technology, Nigeria sets a precedent for other African nations to modernize their operations, support digital transformation, and boost overall development.

Nigeria will launch a state-of-the-art data center with a storage capacity of 1.4 petabytes before May 29, 2024, to house critical national information, including citizens' bio-data. The Minister of Interior Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo announced this during a meeting with the National Union of Nigerian Associations in Italy (NUNAI) on May 20, a statement from the Interior Ministry dated the same day revealed.

Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo emphasized that adopting advanced technology would enhance efficiency and accountability across national operations, the statement read.

In its 2019 publication titled “Nigeria Digital Economy Diagnostic: A Plan for Building Nigeria’s Inclusive Digital Future,” the World Bank assessed that “Nigeria is capturing only a fraction of its digital economic potential and will need to make strategic investments to develop a dynamic, transformative digital economy.”  In line with this, in 2015, the Nigeria Communications Commission proposed transitioning the economy into a digital economy through investments in digital infrastructure.

The launch of this data center directly addresses this assessment, marking a strategic investment in Nigeria's digital infrastructure. This move is expected to unlock more of Nigeria's digital economic potential, promoting an inclusive and robust digital economy.

Hikmatu Bilali

Published in Tech

The Angolan government has been taking many steps to reform its administration through digitalization. To speed up this process, the country is now teaming up with major tech actors.

The Administrative Modernization Institute (IMA), an auxiliary body of the Angolan Republic's presidency responsible for public administration modernization, and Dell Technologies, an American company providing tech solutions, services, and support, signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Dubai on Friday, July 14. The partnership aims to promote digital governance in Angola.

"The memorandum of understanding between the IMA and Dell Technologies establishes comprehensive cooperation in the field of digital governance. It anticipates the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and best practices, with a focus on the quality of public services, digitization of the economy, improvement of the business environment, support for entrepreneurship, training, and creation of human capital skills," the IMA wrote in a statement.

Last May, IMA took part in the "Dell Technologies World" conference. Organized by Dell, the conference aimed to accelerate digital growth and technological development in the world. The new deal aligns with the Angolan government's ambition to speed up digital growth as well, locally, and with the Angolan people, with various online government services.

Last February, Luanda announced an investment of $89 million to build its national cloud infrastructure by 2024. The digital infrastructure, built across the government’s centers, is expected to provide over 80 public services.

The partnership with Dell will support the ongoing digitization process of public administration in Angola. It should also allow the country to boost its e-government development score. On the UN’s 2022 e-Government Development Index, Angola ranked 157th out of 193 countries, placing it among countries with a medium level of electronic administration development.

Published in Public Management

Most African countries are dematerializing their administrative services to make their people's daily lives easier. Governments in these countries are now taking further steps to speed up this process.

The government of Senegal has just validated its 2023-2027 digitalization plan for the judiciary sector. The authorities did so during a workshop held on July 13. 

The project should cost $13.7 million and result in the establishment of a digital public service of justice that will benefit all of the sector’s actors and users. 

"The ownership and implementation of the digital plan for justice by all actors will bring about a revolution in the functioning of justice by allowing faster decisions, simplifying procedures and steps with a more transparent dimension of the procedures. In addition, it will enable users to reduce travel, and magistrates and ministry staff to improve daily work," said Ismaïla Madior Fall, Senegalese Minister of Justice.

In 2016, Senegal adopted its National Digital strategy which aims to digitize approximately 700 administrative procedures. Many investments have been made to ensure this digital transformation in various sectors of activity. Last June, Dakar released $49.8 million as part of the National Program for the Digitalization of the Health System.

For the second half of this year, Ismaïla Madior Fall explained that the project will focus among other things "on the digitization of the process for issuing legal documents and criminal records, the collection of fines, electronic archiving, naturalization, electronic mail management".

Furthermore, the project aims to adapt the texts to dematerialization, to make the working environment suitable; to give citizens remote access to judicial services by dematerializing all judicial procedures; to operationalize alternative justice; to protect children, or to have management tools for the judicial sector.

Adoni Conrad Quenum

Published in Public Management

Kenya has introduced its digital sex offender registry as part of ongoing digitization efforts across all sectors, including the justice system. By doing so, the government aims to significantly reduce sexual assaults on women and children and facilitate the identification of perpetrators.

On Monday 26, Martha Koome, the Chief Justice of Kenya, unveiled the country's first digital sex offender registry at the Kibera Law Courts. The registry comprises a comprehensive database containing crucial information about convicted sex offenders. 

During this ceremony, she stated: "The implementation of the automated registry is a vital tool for protecting the public from sex offenders. By providing accessible information, we empower individuals to take necessary precautions and create an environment that discourages such offenses."

In recent years, Kenya faced an upsurge in sexual offenses. This created so many challenges to the safety and well-being of its citizens. The digital registry will bolster government efforts against this menace. 

Before this action, the government took some measures to fight sexual offenses in Kenya. In 2008 for example, Legal Notice No. 133, supplementing the Sexual Offenses Act, mandated the director of the Criminal Investigations Department to establish a DNA database of dangerous sex offenders.

This digital tool will be useful for key stakeholders in Kenya's justice system in tracking and monitoring sex offenders after their release from prison. It will also help the public to access information about sex offenders residing in their neighborhoods. Thus, they can take precautionary measures to protect themselves and their children.

Through this, Kenya joins other countries that have implemented sex offender registries. In 2007, South Africa established a similar registry. Unfortunately, it is kept confidential and not open to the public. 

Samira Njoya

Published in Tech

Like many African countries, Lesotho is undergoing digital transformation. The country has digitized some strategic government services and now targets new ones. 

Revenue Services Lesotho (RSL) launched, on March 14, an online collection system that allows taxpayers to file tax returns and pay dues online.  According to a release issued by the government, the electronic service aims to expand the use of technology and facilitate tax payments. 

For some time now, the Southern African Customs Union's (SACU) revenue has been declining, according to Finance Minister Retšelisitsoe Matlanyane (photo).  As a result, the country is receiving fewer and fewer resources to finance the national budget.  

So, to complement those revenues, Lesotho is implementing a set of measures (including the launch of the new system) to facilitate the collection of taxes and duties citizens and businesses owe the state.  

According to Ms. Mathabo Mokoko, the acting commissioner general of the RSL, the new system will greatly facilitate tax filing and payment while reducing transportation costs and the fees needed for manual procedures. 

Samira Njoya

Published in Public Management

Human resources are one of the key components for the success of every firm, organization, or institution. However, identifying the best professionals sometimes takes a huge amount of time. With his deep-leaning tool, Mouhidine Seiv shortens the curve.

Mouhidine Seiv (photo) is a Mauritanian entrepreneur and data scientist. In 2016, he founded (formerly known as to leverage artificial intelligence to help firms hire better human resources for improved efficiency. allows "recruiters to identify three times more talent while interviewing four times fewer candidates by analyzing millions of resumes worldwide. We have developed deep learning algorithms to evaluate and classify every part of a candidate's profile: experience, projects, and education. This technique allows us to achieve unparalleled relevance," Mouhidine Seiv told  French magazine Décideurs in 2017.

Beyond its recruitment assistance services, also assists companies and vendors in their General Data Protection Regulation, privacy regulations, algorithmic consent constraints, and fairness requirements compliance procedures. 

From 2016 to date, through, Mouhidine Seiv has helped more than a hundred firms automate their human resources data management. The tech entrepreneur is a former visiting assistant professor of deep learning at CentraleSupélec, the graduate engineering school of Paris-Saclay University. In 2017, ranked him among the eight under-30 emerging entrepreneurs to watch in France. Some years later, he also made it to Forbes’ “30 under 30” list. 

Melchior Koba

Published in TECH STARS

After an extensive professional career, he decided to go back to his native country and offer effective data management solutions. 

Philippe Nkouaya (photo) is a Cameroonian entrepreneur and founder of Philjohn Technologies, an IT services and consulting startup. Through the startup he founded in 2017, he offers firms sustainable solutions for quick file processing and sorting. 

The startup was created following its founder’s insurance coverage issues. “It took [the insurer] close to a year to process my claim just because I was unable to find my files,” Philippe explains. After that incident, he decided to find solutions so that firms can find any file in “under three seconds.” 

He is nowadays a reference in Cameroon. He graduated from The Limoges Computer Sciences Engineering School with a Master’s in Computer Science in 2016. But, his professional career began four years earlier in the entertainment industry. That year, he became the manager of Hope Music Group in Cameroon. In 2014, in conjunction with his duties at Hope Music Group, he was also an assistant IT manager for the communication firm Global Link. 

In 2016, he worked as a business intelligence analyst at Business & Decision Group and then as an external IT consultant at Sanofi Pasteur, France.  In 2017, he became the Chairman of Hope Music Group, in conjunction with his duties as chairman of Hope Clothing. When he launched Philjohn Technologies, he was a member of the board of Hope Management & Consulting (HOMCO).

Philippe Nkouaya is an E-Ambassador for Campus France. He also won several awards for his works in the digital entrepreneurship sector. He is for instance one of the beneficiaries of the 2018 TEF entrepreneurship program.  In 2018, he received the Francophonie 35 under 35 Youth Awards and was named best digital entrepreneur at the Bonteh Digital Media Awards. That same year, he was also on Avance Media's list of the Top 50 most influential young Cameroonians. 

Melchior Koba











we are tech Africa

tech africa

Published in TECH STARS

The Port Authority of Douala is set on making digital transformation its choice weapon to improve efficiency, security, and revenues. In that regard, in the past five years, it implemented several projects with more to go. 

In Cameroon, the entrance fees generated by the Port of Douala rose fourfold thanks to digitalization. According to Lieutenant Colonel Bertrand Mekinda, deputy MD of Douala Port Security -the firm in charge of securing the Port of Douala-  entrance revenues jumped from XAF250 million in previous years to XAF1 billion currently. The revenues may rise further to XAF2 billion yearly when new entrance booths become operational, he estimates. 

To digitize the entrance fee collection system, the port created an access badge system for users, the official revealed during a press conference on Friday 15, 2022. 

The badge costs XAF1500. It stores users’ information on a server allowing QR code readers to read it when they return . Therefore, users can not resell them once they are within the port and the 24 hours validity period is still on.  Unlike the old system that consisted in selling paper tickets, entrance revenues are more secure with the digital system because port authorities now have a clear view of the number of people who access the port during a specific period. 

In the past five years, the Port Authority of Douala (PAD) implemented several projects to secure its operations, and improve port security and efficiency. For instance, it installed more than 400 HD video surveillance cameras and built a security task force building that houses a data center and a CCTV operations and control room.  

The PAD also plans to buy a management software that will facilitate the digitalization of all the port operations and services. Ten departments are concerned, namely customer relationship management,  performance monitoring, incoming and outgoing ships’ management, and cargo tracking. 

Ruben Tchounyabe

Published in Tech

For a long time, many public actors have launched health platforms that did not help efficiently take care of patients across Morocco. Now, the government wants to change things, as it is more concerned about inclusive healthcare.

During a public communication on Saturday, April 9, Khalid Ait Taleb (photo), the Moroccan Minister of Health and Social Protection, announced the upcoming launch of a national e-health system. It will provide citizens equal access to health records and other online services.

Through the new platform, the government wants to put an end to the existing fragmented e-health system, set up by university hospitals, regional health authorities, and various national health programs, said Khalid Ait Taleb. Indeed, nationwide, two programs have established electronic platforms: the National Maternal and Child Health Program and the Tuberculosis Program.  

The idea of an integrated national e-health system is a recommendation of the Mohammed V University of Rabat. In a summary report on e-health in Morocco prepared by its e-health innovation center, the academic institution assessed the national health system and identified opportunities and challenges for e-health solutions that match the digital transformation strategy undertaken by the government over the past 20 years.

According to the Minister of Health and Social Protection, during the Covid-19 crisis, innovative e-health solutions boosted the resilience and responsiveness of the country's health system. The official added that telemedicine and online access to health services are in line with the country's legal framework for the protection of personal data and the practice of medicine.

Ruben Tchounyabe

Published in Public Management
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